The Faithful Spy by John Hendrix

It’s 1924, and a young Dietrich Bonhoeffer is living in a thriving Germany.  From the beginning, he had always been curious, asking questions and dreaming of a career in theology.  However, a rising power threatens Germany, who is still licking its wounds from the horrors of WWI. Hitler and his National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis) are rapidly gaining support from German citizens.  In 1939, the war begins with Britain and France declaring war on Germany, who has just invaded Poland using their new Blitzkrieg tactics.  As another world war arises, so does the plot to assassinate Hitler.  In The Faithful Spy by John Hendrix, Dietrich Bonhoeffer has no idea what awaits him.  After traveling to America for theological and preaching studies, he senses he is needed in Europe, even though it isn’t safe.  He knows he must do something, but doesn’t know if he should. Following the invasion of France, Dietrich uses his connections to become a spy for a resistance movement that seeks to assassinate Hitler.  Will the attempts be successful? Or will the German authorities catch up with them? Read The Faithful Spy by John Hendrix to find out!